Thursday, July 3, 2008

Home remedies for acne and pore minimizing and azelaic acid acne over the counter hyperpigmentation

At puberty, the hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands into generating more sebum, an oily substance that waterproofs and protects the skin and hair. However, sebum is also involved in the formation of acne, although the exact mechanism is not understood. It is believed that the pores become clogged with sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells, and that bacterial attack of this oily mass causes it to become infected. Your immune system reacts to the bacteria, and the pus is formed by dead white blood cells that succumbed during the fight with the bacteria. The immune system's inflammatory response causes the redness and inflammation.
Millions of Americans are looking to overcome acne once and for all. They are tired of "systems" , tired of pills, and more importantly, tired of disappointment. The good news is, there is a natural solution that is appropriate for both men and women, young and old, for both body and facial acne. It's simple to use and it comes straight from the earth itself. Not only that, it treats eczema and psoriasis too. What is it? Why haven't you heard of it? Chances are you have heard of it. It is elemental. It's called sulfur.
Witch-hazel: An all-purpose astringent used as a toner. This one is completely safe at the dosages found in most cosmetic products, but that may mean it's too diluted to be an effective acne treatment. It does feel lovely on the skin after cleansing though.
tags: acne pills, dangers of sulfur for acne, types of acne acne

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